- Always polite, always pleasant, always waits their turn
- Always gives their occupation away by rolling their eyes and being utterly disgusted by annoying, drunk or abrasive customers in front of them
- Can also give their occupation away by making derogatory comments about said annoyance or drunk when placing their order
- Always has their drink order ready
- Always has their money ready
- Is more than understanding when your keg runs dry or you run out of anything
- Never asks for a glass of tap water
- Tips depending on how many tips they received that week
- In the event of inebriation, regales you with stories of the bar they work in and any annoying customers they’ve had
- Again, if inebriated, can start pushing their way to the front and asking for drinks on the sly due to trade comradeship
SUMMARY: No muss, no fuss, a pleasure to serve – just don’t get them drunk